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"I like those odds."
― Din Djarin[src]
Din Djarin, more commonly known as The Mandalorian or Mando, was a human male bounty hunter active around the time of the New Republic.
The warrior traveled far through the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. Notorious for collecting bounties under Greef Karga's Bounty Hunters' Guild, Karga sent him to the Client in order to undertake a secret mission.
He landed on Arvala-7, a planet frequently visited by all types of criminals. When stepping out, he gets attacked by two Blurrgs, he is then saved by an Ugnaught male named Kuiil, who takes him back to his moisture farm.
Din Djarin knows Tusken (the language of the Tusken Raiders), this is revealed when he negotiates with them in order to cross their lands to hunt down Fennec Shand.
He later met up with some other Mandalorians who helped him capture Gideon, and reclaim Grogu.
Early life[]
A young Din Djarin lived with his parents and were attacked by the Separatists. Din's father and mother were killed during the attack, but Din was rescued by Deathwatch Mandalorians. When he came of age, he swore the creed to never take off his helmet.
Trip to Arvala-7[]
"I am a Mandalorian, Weapons are part of my Religion"
― Din Djarin[src]
Din Djarin landed the Razor Crest on the dry planet of Arvala-7.

Arvala-7 is a desert, and dry planet.
Din walked along, until he found an ugnaught named Kuiil. Kuiil taught Din how to ride a blurrg, so he would have transport to the pirate hideout. When he was ready, Kuiil lead Din to a cliff near the hideout, and went back to his home. Din used the scope on his Pulse Blaster Rifle to scout the hideout. Then he spotted IG-11, an assassin droid. Din was frustrated, and went down to the battlefield. Din shot some of the pirates, but constantly had to take cover. Din eventually saw them putting together an E-Web Cannon, and Din killed the operator, and blasted the remaining pirates. When they found the right door, the droid and Din looked at each other, and got the cannon, and blew the door off. Din and IG-11 walked over to a cradle, and opened it. Din and IG-11 said that it was a child, and Din was in disbelief, because Kuiil said it was 50 years old. IG-11 said that it was too bad they would never see it grow up, and Din raised his blaster, and shot IG-11 in the head. Din took the kid with him to head back to Kuiil to leave, and pay him.Din Djarin fighting the pirates on Arvala-7
Journey back to Kuiil and the Crest[]
While returning to his ship with The Asset, Din encounters some more pirates. with his Mandalorian Vambraces, he is able to press a button, and move his hands, so the child does not get hurt. Din has a quick fight, and ends up disintegrating the pirates. Din continues back to his ship, encountering no problems until he arrives.
When Din sees his ship, it is in parts. It has half of the ship stripped off by Jawas. Din uses his Pulse Blaster Rifle to disintegrate them. The Jawas run away with a ton of his parts, with Din close behind, and The kid bringing up the rear. Din jumps

Jawas stripped the Crest for parts, thinking it was abandoned
onto the Sandcrawler, and barely escapes being smashed by a cliff. Din continues to climb the crawler, throwing multiple Jawas off of the crawler to their deaths. When Din gets to the top, dozens of Jawas have Ion Blasters, and blast him. Din falls off of the crawler, down into the sand. He is definitely injured. The kid shows up in his Cradle. Din suddenly gets up, and grunts up, to walk back to Kuiil.
When Din gets back to Kuiil, he surprises Din by asking why is he back. Din fills Kuiil in on the situation, and Kuiil takes Din to the Jawas. When Din tries to get up, the Jawas aim their blasters at him. Kuiil says that he needs to put down the blaster and rifle, but Din says that 'Weapons are part of my religion.' Kuiil says that they will not help him if he doesn't. Din does. The sit at a fire that night, and discuss what kind of deal they can make. Din tries to speak Jawa, but can't. Kuiil says that if he wants his parts back, then he'll have to get them the egg, or in Jawa, 'Suga'. Kuiil says that they will take him nearby, but he has to get it. Din agrees, and rides in the tiny cockpit of the crawler. When they hit a bump, Din's head hits the roof, and the Jawas laugh hysterically. When they arrive, Din and the kid go to a cave. Din turns on his light, and looks for an egg. What he finds, is a Mudhorn. The Mudhorn charges at Din, as he blasts it. Din comes flying out of the cave, and lands on his back. Din tries to blast it, but his blaster is flung from his hand. He grabs his knife, and holds it out in front of him, giving up. The kid, uses the force to lift the Mudhorn.Din is in disbelief that the Asset is lifting the Mudhorn with his hands
Din looks at the animal in disbelief, and walks over to it, and stabs it in the side 2 or 3 times. When the kid lets go of the Mudhorn, he falls back into his cradle, and starts to sleep. Later that day, the Jawas are ready to leave, but Din walks up, and has the Mudhorn Egg. The Jawas are excited, as they pass it to Jawa elder, the leader of the Jawas, as he raises a knife, and slices off the top of the egg. They pass it around, dipping their hands in, and slurping it off of their hands. Din gets his parts back, as he, the kid, and Kuiil are pulled on a big trailer filled with Din's parts, pulled by a Blurrg, head back to The Razor Crest, so they can repair the ship.
After several days of hammering, and welding, the Crest is back in flying shape. Din offers Kuiil a job, but
Kuiil says that he is out of service,Din and kuiil successfully repair the Razor Crest because he worked his time for the Empire. Kuiil thanks Din for bringing peace to his valley, and wishes him luck with the kid.
"If it weren't for me the kid would already be dead... please don't kill me!"
― Pershing[src]
When Din arrives back on Navarro, he returns the kid back to The Client, who then paid Din a big container of pure Beskar. Din. out of curiosity, asked The Client what he was going to do to the kid. The Client thought of it as unprofessional, and answered him only by saying that he will use it for things Din did not yet
understand.Din Djarin pondering on weather or not he should save the kid.Din returned to the Mandalorian Hideout on Navarro, to give the Armorer, who forged an entire new set of armor for Din. Din told the Armorer to donate the remains of the beskar to the foundlings, as he was once a foundling. After Din leaves the hideout, he gets to his ship, screws in the bulb the the kid kept using, and stopped. He just sat there for a second, and then, he powered down his ship, and head back to the Imperial Safehouse on Navarro.
Din knocks on the door of the safehouse, and then he breaks off the eye droid from the socket. He heads to a wall, and places a charge, an explosive, that is like a bomb, but very small. 2 Stormtroopers head out of the safehouse, and attempt to flush him out. Din finds one, and silences him. The other shoots, but Din is too fast, and kills him too. Din makes his way through the safehouse, and comes up upon another squad of troopers, killing them all, he makes his way to the room that Pershing and the kid are in. When Din arrives, Pershing says, Please don't kill me, if not for me the kid would be dead! please don't kill me, please don't kill me, please don't. Din takes the kid, makes a break for the exit. Din is stopped by 6 Stormtroopers. They have him surrounded, and outnumbered. Din puts down the kid, and activates his Whistling Birds, that kill the troopers. Din then picks up the kid, who is now giggling, and heads for the exit. When Din escapes, all of the trackers turn on. The hunters follow him, and want to kill him, to get the bounty. Din disintegrates a few of them, then being obviously outgunned, makes a jump for a speeder, and takes cover. He manages to kill a few of the hunters, but is outnumbered. Din uses his torch to make the hunters back off. His torch then soon runs out of gas, and they shoot at him again. When things seem hopeless, Paz Vizsla and other Children of the Watch members come to save the day. The Mandalorians allow Din to get to his ship, and
they fend off the guild members.Paz Vizsla leads the Children of the Watch to save Din Paz Vizsla then shows up next to The Razor Crest, and salutes, then flies back down to the battle. Din says to himself, I gotta get one of those.
Skirmish on Sorgan[]
Din layed low on Sorgan for a little while. While meeting rebel shock trooper Carasynthia Dune, he had to battle some pirates. Din and Cara fought some pirates, then had to fight an AT-ST. They were successful. Din then had to leave Sorgan due to more bounty hunters tracking Grogu.
Free a prisoner or imprisonment[]
Din then met up with one of his old friends named Ranzar Malk, aka Ran Mark. Din then freed one of the prisoners on a New Republic prison ship. Din was then imprisoned by the rest of the squad that he was working with. Din later escaped, then captured each member of the squad. Din then returns the prisoner, along with the tracking beacon. A New Republic attack team came and killed Ran and the prisoner.
Meeting the Moff[]
"You have something I want. Soon, I will have it."
― Gideon[src]
Din returned to Nevarro to meet Greef Karga again. Greef, DIn, Kuiil, Cara, and Grogu went to kill the client. Moff Gideon killed the client for them. Moff Gideon then fought against them, but Din used his jet pack to blow Gideons Outlander Tie out of the sky. Gideon survived, and Din was quested to return Grogu to a Jedi.
Krayt Dragon[]
"Whatever happens... take care of the kid!"
― Din Djarin[src]
Din went to Tatooine to find more mandalorians. He met the Marshal, aka Cobb Vanth. Cobb and Din went to kill the Krayt dragon, and Din received Boba Fetts armor.
Frog Lady[]
Din then transported the Frog lady to a water planet, and Din saw some Mandalorians. He saw the Nite Owls. The Nite Owls then took a Gozanti Class Cargo Ship to Mandalore where Bo-Katan Kryze and the Nite Owls and Din parted ways.
Ahsoka Tano[]
"Grogu and I can communicate in a way"
― Ahsoka Tano[src]
Din met a Jedi, Ahsoka Tano. Ahsoka Tano apprehended Morgan Elsbeth and Din killed Lang. Ahsoka told Din to take Grogu to the seeing stone on Tython.
Boba Fett and Fennec Shand[]
Din met Boba Fett and Fennec Shand on Tython. They battled some stormtroopers, and after the fight, a blast from Moff Gideon´s Light Cruiser destroyed the Razor Crest. Some Dark Troopers took Grogu to the Moff.
"If you were born on Alderaan you believe in one thing, if you were born on Mandalore, you believe in another, but neither one of them exists anymore"
― Migs Mayfeld[src]
Din and Migs Mayfeld (who was part of the team in the prisoner) infiltrated the Morak Refinery and got the coordinance to Moff Gideon´s Light Cruiser. They made a narrow escape, then were picked up by Boba Fett. Migs fired a Cycler rifle blast that destroyed the refinery because it hit some rhydonium. They let Migs go free, pretending that he died in the refinery explosion.
Rescuing Grogu[]
"She has to kill you... the darksaber has no power, the story does."
― Gideon[src]
While Grogu was on Gideon's ship, Din, Boba, Fennec, Cara, Bo-Katan, and Koska Reeves planed an attack to capture Gideon, and liberate Grogu. After a short battle, everyone except Din made it to the bridge, and Gideon was not there. Din fought Gideon, and 1 Dark Trooper. Din captured Gideon, freeing Grogu, then Bo asked what happened, then Din said that he captured the Moff, and then Gideon talked about how the story of the Darksaber had power, not the saber itself. Just then, a platoon of Dark Troopers came boarded the ship, then an X-Wing came into the ship. A Jedi with a green lightsaber destroyed all of the Troopers, then introduced himself to Grogu and Din, and took Grogu to train him.
Personality and Traits[]
He is a daring Mandalorian who keeps to his vows but chooses what he thinks is right when the time comes. Shrouded in a mysterious past Din Djarin is a calm headed Mandalorian warrior and battle-hardened individual that can asses problems he faces with an intense and almost mechanical precision. While such way of thinking is mostly displayed, he's composure can be briefly broken like when Grogu force choked Dune due to a misunderstanding.
He is also strangely shy to certain individuals and some to other people he had worked before. A notable drifter, Din Djarin seems to have issues in settling down as seen when he rejected a life with the widow Omera as he felt he felt he did not belong at the village. While a skilled combatant, he also knows when to be diplomatic as he is the only one to holster his blaster during a stand off with Davan and Mayfeld's team of mercenaries and attempted to defuse the situation.
An old foundling of the Tribe, Din Djarin has vested interests to its foundlings as he was one in the past. He ensures that any extra beskar he have will be received by them. Taking the Tribe's vows and their Creed at heart and following its traditions and ways to the letter, most notably his refusal of taking off his helmet in front of others regardless of the situation which he notably broke two times due to his deep care to Grogu, once to get the coordinates to Moff Gideon's ship and have the chance to save the child and the other, when he said goodbye when the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker took him to train and master his abilities.
Djarin was glad to have become a Mandalorian and was notably angered to once see discarded armors of his fellow Mandalorians.
Behind the scenes[]
Din Djarin is portrayed by Pedro Pascal in The Mandalorian.
The Mandalorian[]
Season 1
- "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian"
- "Chapter 2: The Child"
- "Chapter 3: The Sin"
- "Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
- "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger"
- "Chapter 6: The Prisoner"
- "Chapter 7: The Reckoning" (First identified as Din Djarin)
- "Chapter 8: Redemption"
Season 2
- "Chapter 9: The Marshal"
- "Chapter 10: The Passenger"
- "Chapter 11: The Heiress"
- "Chapter 12: The Siege"
- "Chapter 13: The Jedi"
- "Chapter 14: The Tragedy"
- "Chapter 15: The Believer"
- "Chapter 16: The Rescue"
Season 3
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian Junior Novel
- Star Wars: The Mandalorian: Volume 1
- The Mandalorian: A Clan of Two
- The Mandalorian: Allies & Enemies
- The Mandalorian: Magnetic Fun
- The Mandalorian: This is the Way
The Book of Boba Fett[]
- "Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian"
- "Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger"
- "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor"